MD feminists, this is the correct position you should assume when begging your Master for the infinite privilege of being mistreated by Him and of your pain serving His pleasure and His orgasm
So would you like to know how could you get feminists shutting down feminism in less than two years? Because that's what you're going to have once you manage to make womyn fully understand that being a complete, consummate feminist entails dropping Superi
I'm not forcing you to do anything. We both know a slut like you belongs on her knees with a cock in her throat. I'm just giving you the chance to do what you're meant for. You can thank me later.
she has the freedom to be objectified. feminism criticizes objectification, but it should criticize only the fact of a woman being objectified *against her free will*; i.e. feminism should only criticize the act of not respecting female free will. Another
After a heavy feminist reprogramming the internet revealed her feminism only applies to inferior men, and it is being reprogrammed as an inferior worthless honorless piece of fuck-meat that leads to being accepted by Superior Men. After this new brainwash
The definition of "woman" can be considered from two different but equivalent perspectives: A) what women say to superior Men they are; and B) what women say to inferior men they aren't
Do you know why do feminists prefer to live with superior Men that will consider them and treat them as inferior, over living as superior women with inferior men or on their own? Because that's their best choice given their actual female inferiority
So we can conclude that feminism wants exactly the same thing that can be observed in other animal species' natural social groups: the inferior male specimens do all the hunting together, so the alpha male has enough time for fucking all the females and f