MaleDom: because all wymyn need and prefer only superior Men (maledom) porn pics
women try to seduce superior men by implying other men are inferior to those superior men. women try to get respect, social status, quotas, affirmative action, presidencies, money and feminism from inferior men by implying other men are superior to those
So all those who criticize dictators and tyrants and who say they defend freedom now want to kill freedom of speech and oppress us into political "correctness"
So, Gents, if you're still wondering whether who approaches who or who will take the first step is the important thing to women, you're several centuries late to the party and several light years away of modern woman's sexuality. The modern woman crawls t
Although female inferiority can only make contributions that r inferior & useless 2 superior men, they're the best female inferiority can contribute, so women want superior men 2 value & regard women's inferior offerings (of women's own suffering)
When a feminist begs a superior man to mistreat her, the only things he gets out of that mistreatment are her pain and degradation, which are useless, and so inferior, things. Therefore it's the feminist the one gaining the main & greatest benefit out
"Do you prefer an inferior male partner/a male partner who is not superior to you?" is the only question you will need in every debate with a male supremacy-fighting strong independent feminist
MD feminists: this subreddit is just for fun, but fun is serious business and I think it is a good moment to realize that shit can gradually get real, so stay tuned; maybe r/MD can give u some helpful tips about things to avoid in order to win the next el
Because we shouldn't omit that the country granting the immense majority of the Nobel prizes important in sciences to men is the most feminist country in the world
The fact that female inferiority wants to be treated like shit by superior men makes inferior men believe they can treat women like shit too, but inferior men are inferior too and so they're shit too, which is why women need feminism against inferior men
U wouldn't try 2 get accepted by another person by offering that person things or attributes of yours that personally enable u so in fact u don't need that person. women only submit their lack of capabilities 2 superior men
So when men choose against women feminists call it "discrimination"; when women choose against men feminists call it "choice". And /r/maledom calls it all "toxic feminism"
Misogyny doesn't really need to be the problem: women could simply prefer and choose inferior men who actually believe in female superiority, who are feminist and who are not misogynistic. But real life women don't prefer inferior men, cause such is the l
feminists get abuse, mistreatment and semen from the superior male minority, and money from the inferior male majority; but thanks to democracy being a majority-based system, feminists can get presidencies from the inferior male majority too. NEVER undere