
MaleDom: because all wymyn need and prefer only superior Men (maledom) porn pics

So feminists say if they go fully feminist and they choose not to shave their legs then men won't approach them. That's false. If feminists go fully feminist and they don't shave their legs then inferior men will approach them. The problem is those Male s

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So yes, and in other words, female decency simply is female lack of interest

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Who knew she was a screamer?

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Who knows; maybe this subreddit manages to make the authenticity of female inferiority evident to such a clear extent that it actually ends up motivating in men the feelings of compassion that get women the rights they demand

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Poor countries' women sell their body for money because they have no choice. First World's women sell their body for money because they have the choice. Never underestimate the inferior hypergamous female mind

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Pet them frequently and hard. They love it.

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feminists are complaining about people not being feminist; they forgot a thing exists which they call 'freedom' that enables people not to be feminist, and so they want to oppress people into feminism. It's only freedom if it benefits them

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prostitution is female's oldest job, fully Patriarchal and a culmination of sexism, since women are treated like simple inferior fuckmeat; and feminism wants to support this use of female freedom against feminism, protect it, and upgrade it to a GDP compl

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No matter how inferior and incapable a woman is: every woman has a body, and this body can feel pain. The female free-but-optimizing genetic agency optimizingly delivers its inferior body to the most superior Man. Submitting to a superior Man makes women

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It looks like Reddit's owners are maneuvering so they can ban this subreddit (very possibly), so the fun might end soon. If they banned this subreddit, Reddit's owners would prove that managing the neutrality and the freedom they say they defend is too mu

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So the justifying basis of the money, the quotas and the status of superiority women demand from inferior men, is the female inferiority women submit and pay to superior Men. inferior men pay the whores to superior Men; this is feminism

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Teaching her a lesson: My pleasure is more important than her breath.

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When I order her to show herself, she obeys, no matter the situation.

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Shock turns to hesitation turns to pleasure.

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Another cool girl showing how much she is worth and how superior is her inferiority. Thanks to the freedom brought by feminism, modern women can disguise their ineptitude and their inferiority with freedom. Modern women are inferior because they freely ch

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The contrast of cum on dark skin. Submission is beautiful in every color.

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Used as a cumrag.

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Gracie advocates feminism by showing us the good things men can get from women.

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So against male maltreatment.

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If she wants sex, and if this is the type of sex she wants, then the sex she wants is his pleasure, not her own pleasure.

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She's been a feminist for most part of the day. And when she is with her man, she has her masculinist time.

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Waiting for Master

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This is how women get honored by the man they choose

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women mouths' receive the semen, the spit and the urine from superior Men, and then women metabolize them into the feminism they bark at inferior men

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Damn, we had too much Maledom today, we are losing followers, I mean subscribers

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Maledom Gentlemen, don't forget to remind your women frequently what their position and job within your relationship is and what they actually mean to you.

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That little smile as she's pulled down... This is a dream come true for her.

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Pinned, stuffed, and mounted.

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Wealthy countries' wise feminists struggled for their right to this. So this is the right they're liberatedly running in the present: the right to earn money by means of their wisdom.

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Tell them they'll earn tokens or any other stupid thing and they'll be so happy. Here you have another one from our feminist blonde enjoying her glamourous, marvelous, adventurous, and enviable life of earning tokens

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The superior person (Man) doesn't need the inferior person (woman), so they don't need to get accepted by the inferior one. It's the inferior person that needs the superior one, so they need to convince the superior one to accept them. This is why women o

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You may think getting your ass destroyed is an easy job, but sex is actually work to womyn, that is, something you can do and you do to obtain in return other things you can't achieve on your own. This is why sex workers exist; in fact, sex workers are th

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Superior Men don't need anything important from women, superior Men don't need women. Superior Men only accept women who need them and their superiority. And only inferior women need superior Men. Therefore, superior Men only accept inferior women, inferi

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Sometimes feminism will fail the outdoors test too.

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The perfect way of gaining inferior men's interest is saying bad, offensive and degrading things about them; but, Maledom ladies, if you want to be accepted by a Superior Man, you better talk very nice things about Him.

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She must love her friends more than she loves her boyfriend, since she keeps her inner beauty to her friends.

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