
MaleDom: because all wymyn need and prefer only superior Men (maledom) porn pics

Obviously she can't provide anything He needs. Obviously He can provide things she needs.

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Did I do good? Did I please you?

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All equality defenders prefer a Superior Man. So how do you get feminists destroying feminism? Let their inferior brains understand feminism is incompatible with a preference for Superior Men and they have to choose, and then see what their choice is.

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For the people who really love traditional gender roles.

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Ladies, beating yourselves can help him a lot maltreat you better and get more fun from you

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Her future husband and children will be proud to hear her current boyfriend say that she's very feminine

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Eat meat, bitch, eat it!

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Viciously beaten, with cum on her face, publicly exposed to social mockery, contempt and exclusion... it's the way she makes money. Yeah, she's the pure image of smartness and of self-sufficiency

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Two slaves are better than one.

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One of the differences between hippie and maledom movements is hippie movement sort of remained in the past because the internet didn't exist then, but maledom movement coexists with the internet for future generations to know about their parents, ancesto

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Tied up and used roughly for this man's pleasure.

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Modern women have adopted the concept of multitasking, so they can perform some of their activities at the same time. Also, it can be fun for sex.

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Oral fixation.

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This is how female brain enjoys sex

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Why can't women create scientific theories? Because they know how to achieve their goals without creating them

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So this subreddit is just for fun, because fun is serious business

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Now look into the camera and say "I'm a dirty whore."

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Sex is fundamentally an act whereby a woman confidentially uses her inferiority as her natural contribution to the relationship, and agrees to be accepted by her inferiority and as an inferior being to a Superior Man. From this carnal contribution, breedi

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Honestly, when I receive PMs from ladies telling me they love this subreddit, I get Martian-rock hard

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I'm so misogynistic

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Becoming your boss

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Now hold that pose... Just kidding! Like you have a choice about that.

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She doesn't even need to wear the shackles outside. She just begs me to keep them on her.

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Another self-sufficient feminist, loving sex as much as men, and being positive about it.

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True fact: female sexuality is more fluid than men's. So no matter how straight she *thinks* she is, she'll eat pussy if it pleases you, and she'll love it.

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So women basically are superior man-seeking trash. So they are trash; & so, to superior men, there's no need to regard or pursue women as if they were something superior to trash. Although superior men are superior and so they don't need superior wome

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"Look, dad and mom, now I'm an adult person!"

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Scientifically true fact: Women are better multitaskers.

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Submission is female inner beauty; the beauty of female behavior.

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Her reward.

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Look me in the eyes while I fill your ass with cum.

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She's his to serve whenever and wherever he chooses.

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women r open 2 polygyny, but only with superior Men. If a woman wants sex once in a month & a superior Man wants sex 30 times in a month, then if He has 30 wives they'll all live happy about sex. Polygyny is the most natural & stablest marriage. A

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If this is feminism, you can guess the size of her feminist brain.

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I thought I'd share this finding, cause I'm sure our longterm readers can get a nice analysis out of it

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The way its ment to be used

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