
MaleDom: because all wymyn need and prefer only superior Men (maledom) porn pics

"i love You, i need You, but this is the only service i can give You for You to accept me", she said to Him.

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Is there dignity in sex work? Why should we consider sex work to be low, base or degraded? Why? In general people suffering from an involuntary non-guilty disability deserve respect. You wouldn't insult someone for being an amputee. So apply this to femal

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MD feminists, remember: consent is sexy, but since r/MD is more feminist than feminism we state that begging is even sexier. So don't say this isn't a feminist subreddit; we're the most feminist subreddit

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Gents remember, consent is not enough; never award your women the infinite privilege of your Male pee unless they beg you hard enough for it

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Remember: this is NOT a subreddit on men maltreating women; this is a subreddit on women making the men they admire maltreat those women themselves, to keep those admired men's love.

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Who says women don't like sex? women love sex, but only with superior Men. The reason is blows are painful when they're given by inferior men, but they turn pleasurable when they're given by superior Men. Yes, female sexuality is more... complex

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MD feminists: remember that female bisexuality and female polygyny are part of female sexiness and beauty to the superior Men your female inferiority chooses

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There are many things more beautiful than a woman: two women, three women, ...

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So when women want a superior Man, they accordingly know they want a Man women themselves will have to convince and beg to. This is why women only strive to convince and beg superior Men

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Real women don't like sex; they like not liking sex, to a Superior Man's pleasure.

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feminism mustn't be selective. feminism must support even anti-feminist women that freely and liberatedly choose to destroy feminism and prefer Patriarchy and polygyny, so feminism must support its own destruction

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After years of struggle and activism, feminism has definitely managed to make Men more respectful toward women: in the present, Men agree to privilege women with the infinite honor of Male pee. So we must acknowledge feminism's achievements

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MD feminists: to your Man it is more fun to have sex with several of you at the same time than to have sex only with one of you at a time

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You may think it's an unfair contradiction that women behave like hostile despising feminist goddesses to inferior men, while they behave like masculinist garbage to superior Men. But hey, it's their private right how they behave to different people; you

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Sex work is the genuine female work.

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So, sorry MD feminists, but not agreeing with the superior Men you prefer's concept that women are inferior is not sexy to those superior Men you prefer. Superior Men, thanks to their superiority, only accept women who accept and worship their Male superi

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feminism wants the money from inferior men and the semen from superior Men. It requests government's egalitarian policies for the same reasons of justice disabled people do. feminism is the female hypergamy's struggle against inferior men

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My new therapist is moving me up to 3 sessions a week. She says I need to "probe deeper" into my domination fantasies.

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Did you know some men get insecure about their women using toys? They don't realize that vibrators are a tool. One that can be used to great effect in the right hands. Used properly, they only enhance your control and prowess.

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Sex positive feminism is a wise trend of feminism that is positive about sex.

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The only validation that is genuine and authentic to the biological inferiority of the female gender is the validation of female inferiority itself's inferior ways of pleasing men that are superior getting indeed accepted by superior men

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MD feminists, remember: wanting to be sexy, makes you sexy. Wanting to be beautiful, makes you beautiful

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The house is clean. Dinner is done and the dishes have been cleared. Now she waits for her next instructions. If she's lucky, he'll reward her with his cock.

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MD feminists: you need to keep in your mind that discrimination is a choice. Men can discriminate against women just like women can discriminate against men. What's more: to an extent, "discriminating" is a synonym for "choosing"

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So there's only one thing those male supremacy-fighting feminists will submit to: a supreme male

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Every woman, even a hypothetically superior one, could be used as a toilet. It's the fact that this is the best thing female inferiority can honestly contribute that makes women happy to be used as a toilet when it is by men that are superior

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We can define post-truth as a new form of politics where the things said aren't like the real world, but the real world is like the things said (whether true or not). A perfect example of post-truth methodology is feminism: real life women are as superior

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You'll hear no radical male supremacy-fighting feminist say she prefers for her or her daughters men that aren't superior to themselves

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Inferiority & superiority are relative: for an inferior person to exist, there needs to exist a superior person too. This is why the fact that women are just inferior human garbage to superior men does NOT make women inferior human garbage in an absol

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Some lucky girl is about to enjoy a brunette

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Poor girl. Forced to earn money that way.

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MD feminists: if you want to get paid 30% more wage, maybe you should be 30% more productive. women that work in jobs they can perform well get paid well. Ask this feminist; she'll tell you there's no gender wage gap for her

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MD feminists: being a superior Man's toilet is the greatest privilege a feminist can aspire to in her female existence. So dress well for that event and rejoice in such achievement of yours

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Her submission to you is full of nuances and subtle conditions so she seems to be submitting to you but she really isn't? In reality she thinks you're not a superior Man and she'll leave you as soon as she runs into one

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So yes, everybody gets paid best for what they can do best. No gender wage gap

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